Corporate responsibility, environment and sustainability


High-quality cosmetics - For people and the environment


Our responsibility

As the managing director of inspira: cosmetics, I know that every person, every company has a responsibility towards society and the environment. We want to set a good example so that life on this planet remains worth living. This includes sustainable, resource-conserving production, respectful treatment of people and animals and active commitment to climate protection.

We at inspira: cosmetics take our responsibility very seriously to leave future generations a world that remains worth living in. Above all, this means that nature must be protected and we are obliged to do our part.


Our philosophy: climate protection, responsibility, sustainability

We have been committed to climate projects and environmental protection for some time now. In the meantime, we have come so far that we have developed a completely vegan cosmetics line with sustainable packaging and purely plant-based ingredients (our new CBD line). We follow our own "Clean Beauty" agenda. This means we avoid substances that are harmful to the environment and health or are under criticism. Our products are all made in Germany, which means they are developed here in Aachen and also produced in Germany. This helps enormously to avoid unnecessary transport routes and to reduce CO2. We already pay attention to environmental friendliness in the selection and packaging design. For example, the airless dispensers we use for many products can be 98% recycled. And the protective film we wrap our products in is made of corn starch and is 100% biodegradable.


Climate Protection: protection for the skin and for polar bears

How can we actively participate in climate protection? As a cosmetics company, this was not an easy task to solve at first. We decided to donate part of the sales proceeds of a new product line to a climate project.  The Skin Accents Climate Protection Line was developed with the idea of contributing to the protection of the Arctic and the polar bears living there. It has been known for years that the habitat of polar bears in the Arctic continues to decline. We are helping by donating a portion of all Skin Accents Climate Protection Line products sold to WWF for a project to protect the Arctic and its polar bears. Our Climate Protection Line protects your skin by guaranteeing the best protection against cold, UV radiation and other negative environmental influences.


CBD Skin Care - Responsibility begins in nature!

Packaging waste and its avoidance have been a big issue for years. Reducing plastic, avoiding waste, these are important tasks that every modern company has to deal with nowadays. That is why we have already thought about what we can optimise when it comes to packaging. Our newest line, the CBD Skin Care line, has outer packaging that is produced as sustainably and environmentally friendly as possible. The boxes of the inspira: cosmetics CBD Skin Care line contain hemp fibres. We decided to use this raw material because the hemp plant grows very quickly and can be harvested three times a year. This ensures a quick balance between raw material supply and demand without taking more from nature than we can give it. A tree, on the other hand, which currently supplies the raw material for most outer packaging, can only be felled for further processing after seven years. Another decisive advantage of the hemp plant is that no pesticides need to be used that endanger bees or other animals on the cultivated land. In addition, hemp does not need to be bleached. All in all, these are important arguments that led us to the decision to use cardboard boxes with hemp fibres. The jars and vials of the series are made of glass and single-grade plastic. Both materials can be easily recycled if they are taken to the raw material collection. 


Taking Responsibility - Contributing to Society

As a company, we also have a responsibility to society. Among other things, we are consciously committed to helping women in particularly difficult circumstances. That is why 10% of the proceeds from the sale of Wonder Glow Cream were donated to Brustkrebs Deutschland e.V. (Breast Cancer Germany). The association Brustkrebs e.V. is committed to ensuring that women suffering from breast cancer are not alone. It supports them by offering preventive care for the early detection of breast cancer, helps when women have breast cancer and promotes independent research.


Breast Cancer Germany e.V. was founded in 2003 as a non-profit association by Renate Haidinger (1st Chairwoman) and is a joint and equal association of doctors, patients, relatives and companies who have set themselves three goals:

- to promote the prevention and early detection of breast cancer and break down taboos on this topic

- to provide as much information and support as possible to doctors, those affected and their families

- to support independent research.


It is inspira: cosmetics a matter of the heart to support people in need.

"Our beloved son, Emanuel, fell from the roof in 2001 shortly before his 13th birthday and died in our arms minutes later. The saddest moment in our lives became the birth of our foundation. Just as Emanuel always stood up for his friends and classmates, we would like to use the Emanuel Wöhrl Foundation to give children and young people in need in Germany and abroad a chance for a better future. In addition to our long-standing commitment to aid projects in developing countries as well as in war and crisis zones, we are now increasingly investing "on the doorstep", i.e. in Germany. Since the establishment of our foundation, we have already been able to support many projects and will soon exceed the million mark. But there is still an infinite amount to do and many children and young people are hoping for our help. Since our foundation has so far only been working with volunteers, we are very grateful for any financial and energetic support," says Dagmar Wöhrl, the founder of the Emanuel Wöhrl Foundation.

Brand new from the research lab is the Wonder Glow Elixir - an innovative oil serum with lupine seed extract. This stimulates the production of collagen I, improves the elasticity of the skin, tightens the facial contours and gives an even complexion. High-quality natural oils smooth the skin and increase suppleness. Infusions of tropical blossoms smooth, moisturise and soothe. Micro-fine gold dust pigments make the complexion radiant.

10% of the product's sales proceeds were therefore donated to the Emanuel Wöhrl Foundation. During the Gloria award ceremony at Beauty International in Düsseldorf, we were able to present Dagmar Wöhrl with a cheque for 10,000€ to support her important work.


This year's charity campaign was organised in collaboration with the well-known actress Mariella Ahrens and the association "Lebensherbst e.V.", which she founded in 2005 and which has set itself the task of providing human warmth, care and attention to elderly people in nursing homes who are in need of care and who may no longer have any relatives. "Lebensherbst e.V." sees itself as a meaningful addition to the care provided by the staff in the homes. 10% of the proceeds from the sale of the Skin Accents Firming Neck & Décolleté Wonder product were donated to "Lebensherbst e.V.". The cheque was presented to Mariella Ahrens in Berlin.

If you would also like to support environmental projects, Brustkrebs Deutschland e.V. or the Emanuel Wöhrl foundation with donations, you will find the bank details below. I would be very happy if we could motivate you to do so.

This autumn, we will again be socially involved and support a project. Follow us on Instagram and/or Facebook, we will report about it. I think each and every one of us can do something within our means to make our world a better place. As the African proverb says, "Many little people doing little things in many little places can change the face of the world." Stay connected to us in this spirit. Warmest greetings to you



Volker Kloubert

Managing Director

inspira: cosmetics GmbH





Environmental Foundation WWF Germany e.V.

"Bring the polar bears back to the ice".

IBAN: DE06 5502 0500 0222 2222 22


Bank for Social Economy


Emanuel-Wöhrl foundation
IBAN: DE89 7003 0400 0000 3182 30



Breast Cancer Germany e.V.

IBAN: DE61 7015 0000 1001 1958 23


Lebensherbst e.V.

IBAN: DE74 3702 0500 0001 1434 00


Bank für Sozialwirtschaft